So here are a few tips that will help you learn to treat yourself right. To love yourself like you loved yourself when you were a child. Satisfied with every aspect of life and of yourself.
1. Start doing things that you loved:
Every body has 24 hours a day. How do you think people are able to still do things they love, simple its because they wanted to. One has to put in efforts to do other things and relax with the things they love doing. It is tie to pickup the painting brush, the guitar, the pen, anything that you loved doing and do it no more.When you realize that it is OK to have some time for yourself you will feel rejuvenated.
How long has it been that you have had your favorite tea on you favorite spot. Sitting comfortably may be just looking out the window or reading a book. Lets do that today. Lets go away for a while.
Go on a movie, walk down the lane, get wet, eat what you wanted to eat, buy what you wanted to buy, do the things that are pending on your to do list . Live today like its the last break you will ever have for yourself. Feel energized and enjoy the scene. Love yourself treat yourself with a manicure, pedicure, get a new hairstyle any thing what makes you alive do it.
Well who doesn't love flowers but we hardly get them. Flowers with a "Thank you" note, or "I love you" note is a dream come true . Has any one ever said that you cannot buy flowers for yourself? Well never. So go ahead buy the flowers you love with your chosen colors and a self note to go with it.
We all are worth it.
We all are worth it.
It always feels good to be appreciated but we take it heart when someone doesn't appreciate us for our efforts and be sad. Here today learn to appreciate yourself with a pat on your shoulder. You will definitely feel good. As no one actually knows how much effort you put in for that work more than you so your appreciation matters the most.
There are things we cannot do. So do others. You were made perfect the way you are. Your flaws are beautiful because they make you who you are. Never lose your individuality for the sake of being excepted by others. Learn you accept yourself. Be that child who was happy with herself whom you lost growing up. Never look at things you cannot do and be sad rather look at things you can and be happy.
7. Music:
When was the last time you listened to the music you loved. Update your collection and have some music that will make you feel like dancing, being wild, shaking those hips again. Some music that will help you work and it softly plays in the background. Some for your shower; the time you have for yourself. Chose some that will help you relax. Some which will boost your energy in the morning. This will help lessen your stress.
8. Exercise:
Go for a walk. Do some stretching. it will help with the metabolism of your body. Self love also includes loving your body. Chose exercise that helps you relax may be simple inhaling and exhaling mechanism. Join a gym.
Self Love