Are you worried about your first date? Afraid things might go wrong? Are thoughts like what if she/he doesn't like me, haunting you? Then this post is definitely for you. Here are a few tips that will help you ace your first date that means you are going out on a second date too.
1. Gestures:

Sweet little gesture are something everybody likes and it is not gender specific. Do not go empty handed. A simple bunch of flowers should do the trick. Being on time is one of the most important and sweet gesture. Most women these days believe in doing their own stuffs but pulling a chair out for her always sways her. Ladies fall for chivalry. In turn a lady should always thank for the little gestures a man is putting in to show that you acknowledge them. While ordering do not force your wish on them, it is ok to suggest the food but let them order what they want. Always take their choices into consideration. Offer the menu first to your partner. Always offer to split the bill.
2. Be present:

Be present not just physically but mentally as well. When you are giving your time to them make sure you give it to them without distraction. They deserve your attention and they will feel appreciated when you give them their fair share. Nowadays people are out with their phone more than with their loved ones. So make sure you only take the very urgent calls, text or emails and do excuse yourself when you do. Just don't take a call when you are in middle of a conversation.
3. Do both listening and talking:

We tend to speak much when we are nervous. We do not realise that for a conversation there needs to be dialogues. I mean both the party should speak and listen. You do not want them to know all the seven generation of your family and in turn you only know their name. So you should listen to them as well as talk. Question them, but do not insist on knowing all the answers know when they are uncomfortable to share, change the topic. Be responsive towards their questions as well. Do not talk with the public. When I say this I mean keep your voice soft so that the other person who are there to eat can eat in peace. They needn't know you are present there. So do not be loud or scream for the waiting person. Just keep looking at that direction and raise a hand. Or many places have a bell to solve your this problem.
4. Treat the waiting person well:
The very thing that we notice about a person is how he treats someone not just who he or she is with. Be polite to the waiting persons. Know that it is not their fault the food is not good or the order is late. Have patience. Your treatment towards them always sets an impression on the person you are with.
5. Be yourself:

The very first thing you need to stop is trying to be someone you're not. It is always a fear to be liked by the other that makes us try and act differently but that is not going to work in long race. You cannot forever keep wearing that mask, can you? Therefore calm down and be who you are. The perk about it is there will be this one person who will actually like you for who you are and they will always stick to that feeling.
6. See them off:

Once you are done with the date who ever is leaving first should be seen off well. You wouldn't want to keep the other person waiting to say goodbye and get yourself caught up in something and leave on your own. It will be like a great trailer and a flop movie. If you just leave like that. Make sure to call whether they have reached or not but do not over do it.
7. Dress comfortably:
You do not want to miss out the conversation just because you weren't so comfortable with you dress. You don't know where you end up going if things go smooth so always dress comfortably.