1. Divide and use:
No, not divide and rule rather divide and use. When you get your pocket money, your salary or any mode of income of money, divide it into two parts, going for 50-50 wouldn't be easier at first so go for 70-30. Save the 30 and try to manage within the range of 70. While saving, it would be easier if you have two bank accounts. So that you save in one and use from another. Every month you keep adding little to the saving account and soon you will start seeing the difference.2. Piggy Bank:
3. Need versus want:
I have controlled all my binge shopping but yet I find it is taking me longer than expected to control what I want to eat and what I need to eat. The moment you look at those shiny pair of heels that are worth every penny you have but you are sure all they will do is add on some aesthetic to your collection and never be worn, girl that is where you need to say "NO", for that is your want and not your need. Most of the time what we want are not even needed. So question yourself before buying anything, and when I say anything I do include all the items on the sale. Buy it if you need it. Best way could be making the list before heading out to buy items, or wish-listing the products; for many times we want things but wish-listing gives you idea if you need it or not. For if it is not needed you often forget about it after wish-listing it.

4. Extravaganza:

5. Motivation:

This I learnt the hard way because my brother looks after me and he has kept me financially stable so I pay for what I eat, so to prevent people paying for me I ended paying for them too, like my friends are expected to pay because they earn now. I simply started saying we will split the bill before ordering and a good friend will happily accept. This will save you enough for your another day lunch.
I promise to add on some more when I figure it out, I welcome all your suggestions on how you save money. Thank you for all the support and the ideas that you want me to work on. I soon will write on it too.
Thankyou #Reader21 for your awesome suggestion of personalised gifts. I soon will give it a try. As she has suggested that catually making a gift for someone can also save money. Though this may save money but what you are investing for example your time and your love is so much more if the reciever sees it.
Thakyou # Meenakshi for your suggestion of actually buying things online and during sales also helps you to save a couple of hundreds.
suggestions are always welcome. Do leave a feedback. Thankyou
I promise to add on some more when I figure it out, I welcome all your suggestions on how you save money. Thank you for all the support and the ideas that you want me to work on. I soon will write on it too.
Thankyou #Reader21 for your awesome suggestion of personalised gifts. I soon will give it a try. As she has suggested that catually making a gift for someone can also save money. Though this may save money but what you are investing for example your time and your love is so much more if the reciever sees it.
Thakyou # Meenakshi for your suggestion of actually buying things online and during sales also helps you to save a couple of hundreds.
suggestions are always welcome. Do leave a feedback. Thankyou
Money issues