1. Let go:

2. Don't play the victim:

When you are cheated upon all you end up doing is hating almost everything about you.
You are forced to fall down in a pit that is full of insecurities and your fears. You may even see this as an end but dear one end is when you give up and stay in that pit. What you are looking outside of you is actually within you. The love, the happiness, the joy everything is within you. Stop criticizing yourself and stop doubting your self worth on the basis is someone else's decision. You take charge of how you need to feel. Sometimes people do find a way back to you and dear soul wanting them back be your inner wish but remember you weren't their choice back then.
4. Trust:
Dear soul, you are amazing. Please stop denying every little thing that gives happiness to you. Yes, you are afraid I know that. Probably to an extent that it scares you even when people are just being nice. Being cheated upon does that to you. You never can trust people again but isn't it unfair that the one who is supposed to have a guilty conscience is actually out there probably going around with someone who they said were not their type and here who loved and wanted to make it work is so scared to even think of a relationship. How long will you punish yourself for loving? I remember a friend of mine saying "see you got to start trusting like every day you put a little faith upon a driver to drop you somewhere, you don't ask them to show their driving licence every time you board a vehicle" Love is that. You have to trust and only when you do so you reach somewhere even if it isn't your destination. The first step is to at least give it a try. Start trusting yourself. Put a little faith on yourself. First step will definitely be worth it.
5. Manifest:
Here is what you can do instead of thinking yourself as a victim you can manifest what you want in your life, your relation and your career. Manifest as in think of what you want rather than what you don't. Think about how you want your life to turn out rather than how it didn't. Focus on making your life better for yourself, for you truly deserve it. Listen to songs that are happy, that give you some sort of inspiration, something that gives you hope rather than the songs that makes you gloomy. For when you are singing you are actually sending that vibrations to the Universe.
Have you noticed how what you don't want keeps on repeating? This may be signifying that you have passed on too much of information on what you don't want sub consciously. Time to change the pattern of how you think. Focus on what you want, keep repeating it to your sub conscious mind either silently or out loud. You will be amazed to see the difference.

5. Manifest:

Have you noticed how what you don't want keeps on repeating? This may be signifying that you have passed on too much of information on what you don't want sub consciously. Time to change the pattern of how you think. Focus on what you want, keep repeating it to your sub conscious mind either silently or out loud. You will be amazed to see the difference.