Tips for dating someone who has been single for long

Hello, Beautiful Jabberers.
So I was going through all the messages today and I saw many of you have made requests on the next topic that I should write about. I have already started working on a few. This topic was suggested by Jhamphel, Thankyou in advance. Let's come to the main Topic now. Have you felt like no matter how hard you try to persuade this one person but you never succeed? Out of several reasons one could be that this person has been single for long. And somehow invented new dating cells that normal people are totally unaware of. Here are few tips that could come in for your rescue, and especially Jamphel I hope you find this help.

1. They are enough:

Or atleast this is what they think. They have been doing all the things by themselves so practically you are invisible to them. They will not wait for you to do things for them. So do something from them that they wouldn't do for themselves. You can start with little things.

2. New dating cells:

I don't know if you know or not, if somebody stays single for a long time their dating cells don't die rather they evolve. They start loving themselves in ways they didn't know they could. So you need to buckle up your shoes while dating them, because flowers and chocolates don't away them anymore.

3. Social handle worthy:

Will your story be social handle worthy? As it matters to someone who has been considering their social life little more than their real. For them their followers mean a lot, just like their next post. So if there is nothing to flaunt about it isn't going work. But I should say that not all women fall in this category. There are many just waiting to change that 'single' status to 'engaged with' status, but this also comes at a cost of keeping your feed clean. If you have every other girl tagging you in their pictures, unless you are some top rated photographer she is likely to not show any interest.

4. Unapologetic:

Yes, most of the women who have stayed single for a long time have invested time working on themselves, they understand that they have flaws and are no longer apologetic about it. They will have strong opinions, they no longer want to settle for things they don't see as good enough for them. Walking away isn't a problem for them because they know they can take care of themselves a little better and waiting for someone who tops the level isn't a problem either. 

5. Free soul:

Being single for a long time, gives them a space to do what they want to, go where they want to, wear what they want and eat what they want to. If you tell them otherwise it will come off as a red flag to them and you will never hear from them. Don't tell them what to do. 

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