The Detailed Lesson plan of The Lost Child

 Title: The Lost Child

Grade Level: IX

Duration: 1 hour


Students will be able to understand the theme and message of the story "The Lost Child".

Students will be able to analyze the characters and their actions in the story.

Students will be able to identify literary devices used in the story.

Materials Needed:

Copies of the short story "The Lost Child"

Whiteboard and markers

Worksheets with comprehension questions

Handouts with literary devices


I. Introduction (10 minutes)

The teacher will introduce the topic by asking the students if they have ever been lost or have known someone who has been lost.

The teacher will then explain that the lesson is about a story titled "The Lost Child" and give a brief summary of the story.

II. Reading of the Story (20 minutes)

The teacher will distribute copies of the story to the students.

The teacher will then ask the students to read the story silently.

After the students have finished reading, the teacher will ask them to discuss their thoughts on the story.

III. Discussion (15 minutes)

The teacher will ask the students to share their thoughts on the story.

The teacher will ask questions about the characters, the setting, the plot, and the theme of the story.

The teacher will guide the discussion to ensure that the students understand the story.

IV. Literary Devices (10 minutes)

The teacher will introduce the literary devices used in the story by distributing handouts with the definitions of the devices.

The teacher will ask the students to identify the literary devices used in the story.

V. Comprehension Questions (5 minutes)

The teacher will distribute worksheets with comprehension questions about the story.

The students will answer the questions individually.

VI. Conclusion (10 minutes)

The teacher will review the main points of the lesson.

The teacher will ask the students if they have any questions or concerns.

The teacher will give a brief summary of the story and the theme.


The students will be assessed on their comprehension of the story and their ability to identify literary devices. The comprehension questions and the literary device handouts will be used to assess the students

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